Tuesday, May 01, 2007

April retrospective

I suck! That's pretty much the feeling I'm left with after another month of not submitting any publications. It's not that I'm not doing anything. I'm doing more teaching and more admin than any other postdoc at my institution, and this month I have actually spent more time on tasks related to my actual postdoc project (yes, I do have one such, although I almost forget it sometimes). Right now is the prepping-for-the-field time of the year, with activities such as equipment shopping, travel planning, customs arrangements, visa arrangements taking up an unreasonable proportion of time. It is also the time for wrapping up results from last year, figuring out where the potential lies and what we'd better forget about. In between endless logistics and Easter break and unforeseen events threatening to jeopardize the entire field season I've managed to get the following done in April:

  • submitted one conference abstract
  • transferred and labelled all photos from last years field season in new database
  • made new base maps for field area
  • figured out the nuts and bolts of new software
  • printed satellite images for field area
  • made sample list
  • made itinerary for this years field expedition
  • dealt with various logistics for upcoming field season
  • dealt with various logistics for summer teaching
  • made arrangements with student for summer research
  • written project plan for new project (funded by my first ever independent grant, however small)
  • had annual assessment meetings with everybody in department
  • had full day meeting with colleague at another university
  • had a couple of half-day admin meetings

To me it still screams - "but you still haven't submitted the papers you idiot".

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At 10:48 PM, Blogger Dr. Brazen Hussy said...

Looks pretty damn productive to me!

At 7:12 PM, Blogger saxifraga said...

well, thanks. Maybe it is. I'm dragging my feet so much on the publications and somehow that makes me feel I don't do anything, ever. One of my reasons for writing the retrospective was exactly to make that feeling go away and show for myself that I actually do something.

At 4:28 PM, Blogger Chris R said...

If you'd spent the entire month pointlessly web-surfing, and hadn't submitted any papers, you might have a reason to feel guilty.

All the field prep and planning is surely a good investment for future publications.


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